Apologies for the update delay but health has been - and continues to be - a pre-occupation. Still, I'm getting to the point where I'm learning to manage it better, and am hopeful that some form of healthy equilibrium will materialise by the end of the year. The illness has derailed any current writing, but I've sent out a few older stories and have met with some success.
Firstly, Lunar Voices (On the Solar Wind) won the Accessible Futures Contest run by Redstone Science Fiction and has been published here- http://redstonesciencefiction.com/. There is an interesting essay by Sarah Einstein on how the contest unfolded, entitled Choosing the Best Possible Future- http://redstonesciencefiction.com/2010/09/possible-future/.
Also recently published is an academic article I wrote on Psychological assessments procedures for Deaf or hard-of-hearing children which was published in the June 2010 issue of Educational and Child Psychology and can be read here.
I have also had a paper accepted for presentation at the Eaton Global SF convention in Riverside California next February- http://eatonconference.ucr.edu/2011/frontpage.php. I will be presenting an overview of South African speculative fiction, with particular emphasis on Lauren Beukes and Zakes Mda
Finally, with regard to reading I have just finished Nnedi Okorafor's Who Fears Death and Thando Mgqolozana's A Man Who Is Not A Man. My deliberations on these will follow next month, amongst other items, including hopefully a more recent issue of SFSA's Probe magazine.
Nick Wood - Jul/Sep 2010.