Nick Wood – Nov/Dec 2012

The end of another year (2012) that – in the minds of some – almost heralded the end of the World, SFnal style! Not a bad year though, writing wise at least. I successfully completed the MA in SF/F Creative Writing at Middlesex University and received a Distinction for my Dissertation, with a new (my second) book as the basis of this. (The work is entitled ‘Azanian Bridges,’ and is a contemporary counter factual history, set in a current South Africa where apartheid still survives. (The book is currently sitting – like so many others I’m sure – with a UK publisher, awaiting any signs of interest.)

Furthermore, I had two short stories sold – ‘Azania’ to the first African writers SF anthology, AfroSF. The book was released in December 2012 – available at various Amazons in Kindle version, for example in the UK here:

‘Azania’ has picked up good reviews so far – notably from the South African dark fantasy writer, Nerine Dorman

Additionally, Karen Burnham’s Locus Magazine review in the November 2012 issue:

Some of the stories venture out into space, as in ‘Azania’…It portrays a planetary colonisation mission led by an African woman. The writing here is some of the strongest of the anthology and the character tensions are effectively drawn…Two authors that I was previously unfamiliar with, Nick Wood and Efe Okogu, are now on my radar…”

 My other story, ‘Case Notes of a Witchdoctor’ was picked up by The World SF Blog and will no doubt appear there in 2013. I have also recently published a non-fiction article in The World SF Blog, ‘Africa in Science Fiction’ and have added this to my website series of articles on Science Fiction Within the (Southern) African Context (Part 17.)

 I have also joined The Clockhouse London Writers group, with a web presence here: A productive year it feels then, despite my on-going health sagas and ever-present pain. Still, as Aneni says in ‘Azania’,

As we move, I note the pain — neither an adversary, nor a friend. Like rain and bananas, mice and joy, it just is.”

May 2013 be a good year for all of you!