Nick Wood – May/June 2013

I am pleased to report that the reception of AfroSF, the first anthology of African science fiction from African writers, has been generally very positive.

I have included a broad range of links from online reviews since the publication of AfroSF, all of which make for interesting reading – often going on to contextualise the increasing expression of specifically African science fiction.

Strange Horizons:


LitRo magazine:

The Future Fire:

Nerine Dorman:

Brittle Paper:

THe Hindu:

Le Monde:

The success of AfroSF has meant that a Volume 2 is planned, aiming at novella length work, with submissions due March 14th, 2014, here:

Tade Thompson and I, both contributors to the first volume of AfroSF, have co-written a novella entitled ‘The last pantheon’, which we very much hope may eventually see the light of day in AfroSF, vol.2. This was fun to write, an African super-hero drama, looking both at African history and what it means to be human. (With plenty of action thrown into the mix. This was my first collaboration – and will also, I hope, be fun to read!)

See here for my article on a black South African super-hero called ‘Mighty Man’, from the apartheid 1970’s:

Finally, the Kwani? Manuscript Prize winners have been announced. Congratulations to all, including the winner Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi from Uganda and The Kintu Saga’. My novel, ‘Azanian Bridges’ was long-listed and, given Kwani’s stated intent to support publishing novels on the short-list and several from the long-list, I am hoping this book of mine may yet find its way to readers.

Indeed, I have recently written about African literary Awards on my website – SF in SA part 18 – and another positive of the Kwani? Award mentioned by both Billy Kahora and Jamal Mahjoub, was the wider focus on a batch of books with potential and not just one winner.

Still, a winner always deserves many plaudits – congratulations to Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi and the entire short-list as well:

Nick Wood


July 7th 2013